Stereophile Solid State Power Amp Review: MTRS March 2024.

Stereophile Solid State Power Amp Review: MTRS March 2024.

EMM Labs' history producing amplifiers dates back to 2012, when it released the original 1500W class-AB MTRX mono amplifier ($130,000/pair). The company has since released various upgrades, including those to the driver/input stage. In 2015, EMM released the 1000W MTRX2. Most recently, in November 2023, EMM announced its successor, the 1000W MTRX2 V2 monoblock ($115,000/pair), as well as the MTRS ($65,000), the company's first-ever stereo, class-AB power amplifier and the subject of this review. (Read the full article)
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